Thinking of walking in this area? Click on one of the squares in this map to find out more information and to see if any footpath problems have been identified. You'll also see a photograph (courtesy either of the Geograph web project or of Adopt-a-Path volunteers) showing the typical landscape.
Each of these grid squares has its own volunteer under the Hebden Bridge Adopt-a-Path scheme. Adopters walk their grid squares regularly (at least twice a year) and report any problems encountered. Their reports are posted on this website. Click here for more information about the scheme.
Already registered as a volunteer in the Adopt-a-Path scheme? Click here to log in and to access the message board.
Adopt-a-Path is a joint initiative of Hebden Bridge Walkers' Action and Calder Future.

Calder Future is a partnership between the local community and agencies with responsibility for waterways within the Calder Valley .
The map above is produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service. Image reproduced with kind permission of Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland.