Mytholmroyd to Stoodley Pike

Four different walks from Mytholmroyd to Stoodley Pike. The walking guide has detailed directions and route maps.

Available to buy, follow on your phone or download to print off.

For the first three walks, take the 901 bus from either the Dusty Miller on Burnley Road or by Mytholmroyd railway station. For bus times, see or pick up a leaflet from libraries or tourist information.

Stoodley Pike from Dauber how to order cialis from canada Bridge via Broadhead Clough

3.5 miles; 2 hours. Moderate diffiulty, with a couple of steep climbs. Wet moorland.

Stoodley Pike via The Hinchcliffe pub

3.5 miles; 1 hour 45 mins. Moderate difficulty with some gentle climbs

Stoodley Pike via The White House pub

5 miles; 2 hours. Easy to moderate difficulty – no climbs.

Stoodley Pike from Mytholmroyd Station

4 miles; 3 hours. Moderate difficulty – some uphill and one steep climb.